About S3 Couple Net - crossborder S3 platform

The South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria have long supported the development of innovative entrepreneurship, whether through various support schemes, the development of a regional innovation ecosystem, cooperation with other institutions in the region or the implementation of measures in accordance with its S3 regional strategy. In both regions, these development documents for the coming period have recently been revised and updated (RIS3 Stragie of the South Bohemian Region 2021-2027 / # upperVISION2030).

It is a strategic approach to the economic development of the region in the field of research and innovation, which is a process of identifying opportunities and positive aspects of the region, which can benefit from specialization in a particular field of science or technology. The concept of smart specialization recommends regions or states to create the content and design of their innovation strategy so as to maximize the impact of regional policy together with other EU policies. It is based on the Commission Communication entitled The contribution of regional policy to smart growth in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy of October 2010, which refers to these strategies as Smart Specialization Strategies. In principle, therefore, these strategies address the needs and innovation potential of both regions concerned (South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria). Attention is paid to the existing infrastructure (R & D & I, production and tertiary spheres), specific trends derived from the economic profile of the region and new technological directions (so-called megatrends), which are again based on innovation profiles of the area, but also on current economic challenges. 

Thanks to the harmonized RIS3 methodology, it is possible to effectively analyze both documents, create a cross-border network of key actors and find common needs, complementary capacities, specific measures and activities. A unique opportunity is also the upcoming new programming period, which will be prepared by the preparation of potential projects and cooperation potentials of the network members. 

On both sides of the border, this project is approached by partners who are directly responsible for the successful implementation of these regional strategies and at the same time represent entities with a region-wide scope. The main goal of the project is to activate an effective cross-border network of actors based on a detailed comparative analysis of S3 strategies in the South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria, which will prepare a set of measures for the development of cooperation in key areas for the regions.

Programme priority Sustainable networks and institutional cooperation
Programme priority specific objective 4a
DTP Project Code and Acronym S3 Couple Net
Project title Cross-border network for activating the S3 strategy of the South Bohemian Region and Upper Austria
eMS Project Number ATCZ262
Name of the lead partner organisation Jihočeský vědeckotechnický park, a.s.
Project duration 16 months (09/21 - 12/22)