Catalogue of institutions with services for R&D&I

Catalogue of R&D&I institutions and their services published

Wednesday, 30. March 2022

One of the important activities of the S3 Couple Net project is the mapping of institutions that provide services in the field of science, research and innovation. All 11 officially registered scientific research institutions in the South Bohemia region were contacted as part of this search, while on the Upper Austrian side a broader approach was taken to select them, including e.g. clusters that are an important representative of the local innovation system.

The profiling of each institution follows an identical structure and the aim of the presentation is to provide basic information about the organisation, a brief analysis of its infrastructure and examples of good practice in cooperation with the private or public sphere. This catalogue is not closed and will be further extended to include other actors in the course of the S3 Couple Net project networking activities. 

Learn more about the catalogue